Sun Valley Magazine called me a few weeks back looking for a photographer to capture the look and feel of a rural Idaho town, Gooding. I have enjoyed working for the amazing staff at Sun Valley Magazine over the years and eagerly took the assignment.
On a quiet fall day, I drove down to Gooding and began photographing up and down their Main Street. I was amazed at how few people were on the street and so stuck my head inside a business and asked where all the locals had breakfast. "New China Restaurant" the gentleman replied. Off I went looking for the locals eatery.
Once inside, I realized I had struck gold to get some images of the good people of Gooding, Idaho. I sat at the bar and took the cup of black coffee the waitress offered. With my Canon camera around my neck, the folks started wondering who I was and were happy to talk about Gooding and my assignment. I stayed through my cup of coffee and with some new

clues went back out on the road to capture the rest of Gooding with a bit more local perspective. Here are a few of the images that apprear in their Winter '06 article, "Scratch the Surface."